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Abstract: | The following research analyzed the prevailing tendency of corona virus (COVID-19) virulent disease in Pakistan and investigates its severe effects on the economic growth of Pakistan. To conduct this survey, a snowball sampling technique has been applied. To illustrate the effect of covid—19 on the growth/GDP of Pakistan, several indicators are used as a proxy. The outcomes of the research indicate that COVID-19 has joggled the Pakistan economy by forcing millions of individuals to remain safe at home which breaks down all the business activities. According to economic indicators, the COVID-19 disaster led Pakistan to the worst situation of unemployment where twenty-five million people pushed towards poverty and hunger. Different departments of the economy such as manufacture, Agriculture, media industry, travel and tourism and stock exchange are getting worst with the pandemic of covid-19. The biggest challenges faced by the community because of the corona virus outbreak in the country are financial insecurity, reduction in income, the anxiety of losing a job, shortage and food. The consequences of the study further indicate that lack of government agencies collaboration with local people, deficiency of COVID-19 diagnostic kits and unawareness about the seriousness of corona virus are the most important issue that becomes the reason of increment in corona virus cases very fast. This article proposes the long term and short term strategies that are necessary to alleviate the widely spread of this pandemic and to invigorate the economy of Pakistan. |
Keyswords: | COVID-19, GDP, Outbreak, Pakistan |
Pages: | 01-13 |
Article: | 1 , Volume 2 , Issue 2 |
DOI Number: | 10.47205/jdss.2021(2-II)01 |
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Abstract: | During the last few decades, space has gained extensive importance in many aspects of military operations. The ‘Star Wars’ started in military competition and still main component of military. Today Eagle is sole super power of the world and space as well but this position is not sure in future due to Dragon rising, as global power in both hard and soft power. A strong example of this doctrine was Dragon ASAT test in January 2007, which was a clear wakeup call for Eagle and greatly influenced the security and military capabilities of the Eagle and rest of the world as well. India is also investing huge amount on its space program and singed a bilateral agreement with U.S and Israel to establish collaboration in the both civilian and military space program and nuclear deal as well. This space cooperation and nuclear deal has deeply affected the security environment of South Asia and opened the eyes of both China and Pakistan. A new ‘Star Wars’ between Eagle and Dragon is also the base of South Asian space race that is a disaster for the peace and security of South Asia and would make dangerous zone of the world. Therefore, Pakistan must accept and deal with the reality that conflicts and wars in today’s world will be driven by the increasing interdependence between conventional, nuclear, and space war. The terms in this article Eagle & Dragon refer U.S & China: Eagle refers for U.S and Dragon for China. |
Keyswords: | ‘Star Wars’ Dragon, Eagle, South Asia, Space Militarization |
Pages: | 14-22 |
Article: | 2 , Volume 2 , Issue 2 |
DOI Number: | 10.47205/jdss.2021(2-II)02 |
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Abstract: | This article spells out the details of Kalabagh Dam project such as location and technical specifications of the project as well as the cost- benefit analysis of the dam. In addition, this article accounts for the technical apprehensions regarding Kalabagh Dam. The dam was also aimed at augmenting agricultural growth, providing a cushion against flood threats, generating low-priced hydro-power and lastly to compensate for the depleting capacity of the existing mega reservoirs to store water due to sedimentation. The theory deployed on the article known as cost-benefit analysis delineates the worth of the mega project of Pakistan but it is hard to say that it is still unfixed due to decision making approach of politicians of the country who remained unable to resolve it. Incumbent government must take Kalabagh Dam under consideration to build it as soon as possible because of its natural site and to overcome the energy slowdown. |
Keyswords: | Agricultural Growth, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Hydro-Power, Kalabagh Dam |
Pages: | 23-29 |
Article: | 3 , Volume 2 , Issue 2 |
DOI Number: | 10.47205/jdss.2021(2-II)03 |
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Abstract: | Responding to the devastating attacks of 9/11, the US invaded Afghanistan. NATO Alliance has alleged and validated claims that Afghanistan supports terrorist organizations and provides shelter for radical groups. The current research provides very valuable information regarding the recent American military withdrawal from Afghanistan and its Impacts on the regional countries. The region will become more insecure and unstable, as more artillery and training from the Taliban has penetrated the area. The situation is expected to worsen as US troops withdraw from Afghanistan and the Taliban will continue to pose a permanent threat for neighboring countries. In this Research work, The Afghan issue is explored by using multiple research techniques, including comparative, quantitative, and qualitative research. The study is conducted to discover the ethnic composition, the history of encounters, and the consequences after US Exclusion from Afghanistan and its possible impact on regional countries. |
Keyswords: | Bilateral Security, Dialogue, Diplomacy, NATO, WOT |
Pages: | 30-41 |
Article: | 4 , Volume 2 , Issue 2 |
DOI Number: | 10.47205/jdss.2021(2-II)04 |
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Abstract: | Present research mainly focuses on demotivated factors among language teachers in public and private sectors. With detailed definition of motivation and demotivation, this article reviews the previous study being held in different countries. Therefore, few researches have been done on teachers’ demotivation in Pakistan. So, this empirical research has specifically chosen Sialkot teachers’ both from public and private school. With the help of mixed method, teachers were asked to fill online questionnaire and some interviews taken from private and public teachers. Cluster sampling and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecosystems Model is used as a framework. The findings of this study explained that teachers are highly dissatisfied with administration of their school. They are facing a lot of workload with little amount of salary. Moreover, with scheduled meetings, workshops and paper checking make them psychologically ill and their personal life is also affected. Therefore, it is the duty of govt to provide teachers with facility of technology while private school administration must give relaxation to teachers and consider them human not slaves. |
Keyswords: | Macro-Micro Contexts, Teacher Demotivation, Teacher Job Satisfaction, Teacher Motivation |
Pages: | 42-60 |
Article: | 5 , Volume 2 , Issue 2 |
DOI Number: | 10.47205/jdss.2021(2-II)05 |
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Abstract: | Balochistan being richest in natural resources unfortunately reflects a low percentage of development in all social sector indicators. The social sector is a backbone of any society, development in this sector ensures development in all other sectors of society. Education, health, drinking water and, law and order situation in Balochistan has been alarming since August 1947 and it continued to haunt government of Pakistan after independence. Social sector of Balochistan neglected by government of Pakistan and Balochistan since its annexation with Pakistan. This piece of work highlights the impact of the social sector policies of Pervez Musharraf and its impact on the local politics and society, especially highlighting the grievances of the Baloch during this period. |
Keyswords: | Literacy Ratio, HDI, Social Sector, Law and Order, Human Rights |
Pages: | 61-73 |
Article: | 6 , Volume 2 , Issue 2 |
DOI Number: | 10.47205/jdss.2021(2-II)06 |
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Abstract: | The study explores that even in the 21st century Kashmir is deprive from freedom under government of of Nraendra Modi. Since 1947 there is a stark restriction on basic human freedoms and blood-letting continues in the Kashmir Valley which has undermined the peace process and prosperity of the region. Kashmir under the partition plan of Indian Independence act was free to join India or Pakistan but India is always a hurdle in the way of Kashmir’s right of self-determination. Hindutva project of Modi and his party is humiliating Muslims in Kashmir. A shameless and disrespectful boldness of Modi led BJP government and its violent attack on federalism and democracy further stir up alienation among Kashmiri people instead of fostering sense of belonging to the Indian union. Whatever political, physical and psychological mark has to be forced to endure by India and Pakistan over Kashmir due to stubborn attitude and authoritarian rule of Indian government, it is Kashmir that on every occasion suffered more. The study is based on qualitative methods and examines the impacts of Modi Nationalism in Kashmir that how it is making the future of south Asian region darker. |
Keyswords: | Authoritarian Rule, BJP Government, Future Prospects, Kashmir an Fascism, Modi and Kashmir |
Pages: | 74-82 |
Article: | 7 , Volume 2 , Issue 2 |
DOI Number: | 10.47205/jdss.2021(2-II)07 |
DOI Link: | |
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